
Bust Your Rival’s Bones, and Bust Open His Wallet at Xbox Madden 10

If learning about all the new stuff still hasn't made you excited about Xbox Madden 10, then maybe a visit to video gaming's not-so-distant past can put things into perspective. Yeah, it could be a bit cruel to constantly bag on older games as a means to elevate today's football video games. But it helps to see how much progress has been made in football video games, by taking a glance at the earliest video games and comparing them to Xbox Madden 10. It was inevitable, given the popularity of handheld football games in the B.C. (before consoles) era, that gamers would want a video football game to satisfy their needs. But the catch was, the power of the early video game consoles didn't exactly equal the imaginations and desires of those early hardcore gamers, so everyone had to settle for less. If you've ever seen old ads for this one, the creators truly believed that it had "all the excitement" of the real deal. They didn't even try to make those guys look like people. What are you gonna do? The photo may be underwhelming, but the game itself is even more so. An early symptom of the low-tech nature of older video games was graphics that just blinked like crazy, rendering the action impossible to read. Gamers used to the crisp aural sensation of today's games would be stunned by the lack of cool sound here. Another disappointment - the screen didn't (or just couldn't) scroll. Soon, the first round of the console wars would begin, and the competition created a football video game of their own. A serious effort was made with this next one, in order to give gamers a football video game closer to the real thing. A step in the right direction, but work needed to be done still. Hardcore gamers were pretty excited by that one, as it really heralded the beginning of sports video games - but it was still just an early entry in the field. Gamers would have to wait a while on the bench before that came true. The next level in football video games had been reached, and still we're seeing a following for this one. For quite a while, this was considered the greatest football video game by the video game world. It's relatively simple to see why it was such a mega-popular hit - before this, nobody really attempted to make a football video game that was this sophisticated. This was the ultimate step up in football video games for a long time, so gamers really proclaimed this one the best football game out there, year after year. Today, there's even a new incarnation of the game, and with that is a renewed reverence for it. That being said, as much as everyone digs that one, Xbox Madden 10 is in an entirely different league.


It's always great to see how far we, and football video games, have come. Guess it's a waste of time to do too much putting down of the other, less sophisticated football video games. No need to keep harping on it. They may have been flawed, but we needed those older games as a "springboard" to what we have today. Of course, Xbox Madden 10 has really kicked this one over the goal posts, which has the video game world pretty pleased. The reviewers have spoken, and they're as stoked as the gamers, which is always a cause for celebration. You want impressive admiration for Xbox Madden 10, see the reviews, which all use terms like"realistic and enjoyable." Xbox Madden 10 is another monster hit for EA Sports, though we think you could predict that one. To hell with the people who bag on Xbox Madden 10 - it truly is the best football video game out there. Xbox Madden 10 isn't just a great Xbox sports video game - it's an all-around great Xbox video game. It's the favorite of hardcore gamers, and with good cause. More than just a great game, it's a chance to display your video game excellence, when you clash for cash.


Now, Xbox Madden 10 fanatics can throw down the gauntlet and play video games for money. After you've really given yourself a crash course and learned all the rules, you'll score touchdown after touchdown - and make off with your rival's bankroll as well.

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